2024 Writer-in-Residence at the Yellowstone Art Museum

Upcoming Readings and Events


Follow me for updates and great poems at @poetrypostcard on Instagram

2/13/25 - 4-7pm - Come get a personal poetry postcard during the Galentine’s Day event at Frae Everyday Goods, 115 Shiloh Rd #1, Billings, MT 59106 in Shiloh Commons. (My store, Rock Pigeon Vintage, is hosting a vintage pop-up at Frae all February long!)

Now Available!

Order your copy of my first chapbook, 27 Threats to Everyday Life, (Finishing Line Press 2023). Semi-finalist in the 2021 New Women's Voices Chapbook Competition by Finishing Line Press.



Forthcoming publications:

  • A poem of mine will appear in the anthology, A Literary Field Guide to the Rocky Mountains, edited by Corrie Williamson, Anne Haven McDonnell, and Kamella Cruz, (pub date TBA).

Thank you to The Western Humanities Review, which selected my poem “Mudslides” as the runner-up in the 2022 Mountain West Writers’ Contest.

Recent Poetry Publications

New poetry is available online and in print in:

Order Poetry Books & Anthologies

Reading “Insomnia”

An oral history and reading of my poem “Insomnia,” published in West Trade Review, fall 2022 and included in my chapbook 27 Threats to Everyday Life.


Anne Holub received a MFA from the University of Montana and a creative writing MA from Hollins University. Her poetry has been featured on Chicago Public Radio and in The Doubleback Review, The Mississippi Review, The Asheville Poetry Review, Phoebe, and The Beacon Street Review (now Redivider), among other publications. New work is forthcoming from the New Plains Review, West Trade Review, and the Great Lakes Review. She has two poems published in the anthology Bright Bones: Contemporary Montana Writing, (Open Country Press 2018). She was a part of the inaugural class of artists-in-residence of the Open AIR Montana artists program, placed at the Flathead Lake Bio Station in April 2019. Her debut chapbook, 27 Threats to Everyday Life, was published by Finishing Line Press (Spring 2023). Originally from Virginia, and after more than a decade in Chicago, she now lives and writes in Billings, Montana with her husband Dan, their two dogs Merle and Rosie, and a sourdough starter named Rhonda.